Post 74

I am really not keeping up with this blog. For anyone who reads it I so apologize!! There was a Summer Youth Fair in the park last weekend, it looked like it was well attended, it was on Saturday and I was busy with Second Saturday so I didn't get a chance to go down. It is the beginning of festival season in the park and I am looking forward to it!

We have had some visitors the last week, I shot this photo on our back porch. Gives me chills just looking at it... possums! They are really creepy, at least I think they are. Like big giant rats! Anyway, this was the first to visit us. I saw another 2 nights later and then last night there were 2 in our yard. They were hissing and growling at each other. Of all the critters we have in our neighborhood these I could do without. This one is all ratty and torn up too... ick!

Until next time, be well. Tj.

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Post 104

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