Post 90

Not exactly my neighborhood but I had to post this... in Rancho Cordova CA which is about 8 miles from home, a tornado touched down! We don't get tornado's here! Photo courtesy of the national weather service. It was quite a storm but a tornado?? WOW!

Post 89

The camellias in the little church around the corner and in my yard are in full bloom and beautiful!

Post 88

It was a beautiful day today, the park was filled with people and the playground was alive with happy kids! What a wonderful sound. Happy laughing children! Be well...

Post 87

Sunday mornings I am often awakened by the sound of the church bells singing beautiful songs. Today only a slight difference, the hawk was singing too! Tj.

Post 86

My original intent of this blog was to portray a piece of everyday life in my little corner of the world. I failed at that... I think because I tried to hard, to find different interesting things to post. I wanted grand things, and overlooked the tiny miracles that make up every day. So, back to the drawing board! Today, February 19, 2011... the first day of a new daily small details of this wonderful neighborhood I call home. Here today the sky is mostly cloudy, the trees are bare, the neighborhood is quiet. Snow levels are really low so it's cold! I see a Scrub Jay out my window. Be well... Tj.

Post 104

It’s been a long time since I wrote and I have some sadness about that. I wish I would have documented more!  But the time has come. Our hom...