Post 99

There is another wonderful blog about Southside park, and my neighbor is actually updating it!

Post 98

Sacramento Pride Festival comes to our neighborhood tomorrow! Parade starts at 5th and S. Festival on Capitol Mall. I just hope it doesn't get too much rain!

Post 97

One of those magical moments in the neighborhood... the morning clouds opened, the sun came out, the birds began to sing, and in a moment the church bells started to ring... yes! Be well... Tj.

Post 96

You gotta love youth... the courage or maybe it is just the opposite. There are some kids that live down on the corner. Now, I call them kids, they are probably my children's age or around that. So, in their mid to late 20's. They brought home a truck load of snow today, covered their stairs with it, and I think were snowboarding down the stairs... too funny! I just hope they don't break their necks!! Be safe guys!!! Tj.

Post 95

Wow! Quite a storm... the wind was gusting up to 50-60 MPH? I thought for sure one of the big trees on our street would be blown over... but we awoke this morning and they are all standing! At least on our street. I hope the rest of the neighborhood was as lucky! Be well... stay dry and warm. Tj.

Post 94

Watching all that is going on in Japan, makes me think about our little neighborhood. How much I enjoy it here, and how terrible it must be to lose it. My heart and thoughts are with Japan. May peace find its way to you.

Post 93

Wild Turkeys? Driving down the street today about a half a block away I saw some very large birds and thought what the heck are those? A closer look they were a pair of wild turkeys! I don't think I have seen turkeys in the neighborhood before! They looked very much like these guys but were very skinny. Didn't look like a Thanksgiving Turkey for sure! Be well... Tj

Post 92

The Bed and Breakfast around the corner has this beautiful tulip tree. It is currently in full bloom and after the rain yesterday the ground looks like it is covered in pretty pink snow!

Post 91

We are getting a new traffic light in the neighborhood. The corner of 6th and W. And it can't come too soon, new pile of auto glass all over the ground. That is a bad corner at certain times of day, when rush hour traffic is whizzing by... and on Sundays when the farmers market is on. But the lights are up and waiting for the electricity... and probably an inspection. Soon!

Post 90

Not exactly my neighborhood but I had to post this... in Rancho Cordova CA which is about 8 miles from home, a tornado touched down! We don't get tornado's here! Photo courtesy of the national weather service. It was quite a storm but a tornado?? WOW!

Post 89

The camellias in the little church around the corner and in my yard are in full bloom and beautiful!

Post 88

It was a beautiful day today, the park was filled with people and the playground was alive with happy kids! What a wonderful sound. Happy laughing children! Be well...

Post 87

Sunday mornings I am often awakened by the sound of the church bells singing beautiful songs. Today only a slight difference, the hawk was singing too! Tj.

Post 86

My original intent of this blog was to portray a piece of everyday life in my little corner of the world. I failed at that... I think because I tried to hard, to find different interesting things to post. I wanted grand things, and overlooked the tiny miracles that make up every day. So, back to the drawing board! Today, February 19, 2011... the first day of a new daily small details of this wonderful neighborhood I call home. Here today the sky is mostly cloudy, the trees are bare, the neighborhood is quiet. Snow levels are really low so it's cold! I see a Scrub Jay out my window. Be well... Tj.

Post 104

It’s been a long time since I wrote and I have some sadness about that. I wish I would have documented more!  But the time has come. Our hom...